USB Connection for Mouse

Mouse and other Electronic Devices now a days use USB (Universal Serial Bus) Connection to connect with the Computer, Mobile, Tablet or even Smart Televisions. Yes there are lots of USB Specifications in the Electronics Market. Most of the Mice available in the Market today work on USB 2.0 Specification. Yes USB 3.0 and USB 3.1 offer much faster data transfer, however Mice does not require too much data transfer and hence Mice manufactured by Electronics Manufacturers are still using USB 2.0 Specifications.

Mouse with USB 2.0 Port
Mouse with USB 2.0 Port

Now a days all the Computers do have USB Ports to connect other Electronic Devices. USB 2.0 Ports are rectangular sharped ports with White Colored Plastic as seen in the above screenshot. Note that the Color of Plastic inside the USB Port of White which indicates that the Mouse Displayed in the Screenshot above uses USB 2.0 Specifications. Yes even if your Computer has USB 3.0 or USB 3.1 Port, you can indeed use USB 2.0 Device on that port. The Color of Plastic inside USB 3.0 Port of Blue color as displayed in the Screenshot below.

USB 3.0 Port
USB 3.0 Port

The Standard USB Ports are mostly available on Desktop Computers, Laptop Computers, Mini Computers, Smart Television and on other Host Devices which can handle USB Connection to allow Mouse and other Electronic Devices Connection. When you want to connect your Mouse to Mobile or Tablet which support USB Mouse, you would need to have an adapter as displayed in the Screenshot below.

Micro USB to Standard USB Cable
Micro USB to Standard USB Cable

The Screenshot above displays a Micro USB to Standard Cable Adapter which allows you to connect your Mouse to your Mobile Phone / Tablet which supports USB Mouse. Android does supports connection of a USB Mouse and does not require any configuration and is really easy and useful way to control Android Powered Devices like Mobile Phones, Tablets, Mini Computers , SMART TV, etc.

Connecting USB Mouse to Android Mobile with Micro USB to Standard USB Cable
Connecting USB Mouse to Android Mobile with Micro USB to Standard USB Cable

Note in the above Screenshot that a USB Mouse with Standard USB 2.0 Port has been connected to a Micro USB to Standard USB Cable and then the Cable is connected to the Android Mobile. You can even connect a Wireless Mouse to your Android Mobile or Tablet with the help of appropriate cable / adapter. Having a Mouse Pointer to move around the Display Screen, Click anywhere you want really helps in Gaming, Navigating Around the Screen and interacting with Applications installed. Apart from connecting Mouse, you can even connect Keyboard to various Mobile Phones , Tablets and other electronic Devices.