Now you can run Fast Automated OCR on the content displayed on your Screen easily and even execute a Macro Script to do Mouse Clicking, Keystroke Pressing, Launching Application or anything else. Performing Automated OCR on any defined Screen Area gives you flexibility to Monitor Screen Changes and when expected change occurs you can run a Macro Script to do anything you want. All this Screen Text Detection and running Macro Script is bundled into a small Action of a Windows Automation Software as displayed in the screenshot below.
The above Screenshot displays an Action of Windows Automation Software titled Auto Mouse Click which has lots of Mouse and Keyboard Automation Actions apart from this OCR with MODI Action. In order to do Automated OCR of specified Screen Area, please follow given below steps:
You can Optionally select the option to Abort Script Execution whenever Search Text specified is found in the Selected Screen Area. This will avoid running the execution of Macro Script/ Application / Command multiple times. You can anytime edit the Macro Parameters including Time, Repeat Count and other Parameters of Macro by following the procedure outlined in the Edit or Update an Existing Macro Action post.
Apart from Automated OCR Macro Action, you can use OCR Helper as displayed in the screenshot above to Extract Text from Screen Area. The OCR Helper built right into this Windows Automation Software is a small Relocatable and Re-sizable Window with Transparent Area to extract Text from any Rectangular Screen Area. Yes you can use OCR Helper to even extract Text from any Screen Image or Scanned Document file with the help of Scanner. Note that BMP, TIFF, PNG, JPEG , MODI and other Image file formats are supported.
The Above Screenshot displays Main Application Window of OCR Helper with Rectangular Transparent Area to extract Text from Screen Area. Note that you can Move the Application Window to any portion of your Screen and you can even resize the OCR Helper Application Window to Extract Text from smaller or larger Screen Area.
The above Screenshot displays a Macro Script with OCR Macro Action in the Script. Note that the above Screenshot has been captured on a Windows 10 Computer and the version of Auto Mouse Click is v67.1. Also note that when the Macro Script is executed with any method as outlined in How to Execute a Macro Script, the OCR Macro Action will be executed 100 times with a time delay of 100 Milli Seconds as specified in the parameters above. Yes you can edit the Macro Script parameters as per your requirements.
Monitoring any Screen Area and responding to Screen Changes (with Automated Mouse Clicks, Keystrokes or by running any Application or Command) is now really easy and quick with Automated OCR Macro Action.As the OCR is performed on your computer itself without requiring any online service, the OCR performed is really fast and it more or less depends only on your Computer and on what screen area you are doing OCR. The Accuracy of OCR depends on what you are trying to recognize. On Computer Generated Text with Standard Text Fonts, the OCR Accuracy should be pretty high and you should be able to detect Text with this OCR Macro Action easily.